Are you ready to commit to practising yoga, meditation and mindful activity every day for 21 days, starting Monday August 17? If so, we’d love you to join our Yoga Challenge. It’s the ideal motivator to keep you moving through Melbourne’s latest round of restrictions, with the support and accountability of our wonderful community online. 

What does the 21 Day Challenge involve?

Yoga Challenges encourage you to deepen your practice, heighten your self-enquiry, and keep you moving and motivated. At Yoga Spot Fairfield, we also like to add some fun! So, every week we will ask you to complete seven practices in seven days – it’ll look something like this:

– 3 livestream yoga classes – Vinyasa, Slow Flow and Yin (option to catch up via recordings)

– 1 guided meditation, 1 guided pranayama session 

– 1 bonus movement class: think Bollywood dancing, HIIT Pilates and Myofascial Release

– On Sundays, 1 mindful activity of your choice, or bonus pre-recorded yoga class. Includes Mindful Mandala colouring workshop with Chloe from Hummingbird Ink, date TBC.

What you’ll get:

– Unlimited access to livestream yoga and movement classes for 21 days

– Unlimited access to members-only Facebook page for 21 days

– 1 x Mindful Mandala colouring workshop

– 21-day checklist for motivation and to help keep track

– Community support – we’re all in this together

Join us to discover the benefits of positive, daily practices or to establish new habits leading into Spring (and hopefully an end to hibernation!). Got questions? Shoot us an email.


When:  Monday August 17 – Sunday September 6

What: Yoga, meditation, pranayama, movement sessions and more

Investment: $79 or FREE for Livestream Weekly Members ($25 p/w)


Can you believe it’s been nearly two and a half months since we’ve been together in our beautiful studio? That’s a long time in your personal yoga practice. Some of us have been zooming our way through (pardon the pun), others have been trying new things and some have enjoyed a restful break. Whatever your choice in isolation, we hope it’s felt right for you. 

We’re excited that we now have a date in sight to reopen, June 22. This is in-line with Victorian government regulations around gyms and fitness centres and will come with a number of operational changes, but we know yogis are an adaptable bunch and mostly we’ll all just be grateful to be back in our warm, friendly space.

In order to adhere to all recommendations, you can expect the following changes at Yoga Spot Fairfield. Please note some of these are short-term measures, like limited class sizes and a reduced timetable, and others will remain. We’ll keep you posted of changes as we go. Upon reopening, our number one priority is to provide a safe space that you feel comfortable to enter, where we can get on with the business of moving and breathing together, where our community can connect and you can drop into your natural state of bliss, both on and off the mat.  

  • A reduced timetable
  • Limit of 10 students per class – bookings essential – no walk ins
  • Social distancing floor markers – 1.5m minimum gap between mats
  • No shows and late cancellations will be penalised
  • No mat hire. BYO and a clean, full length towel
  • No props. BYO
  • No mat wipe cloths. BYO
  • No hands-on adjustments by teachers
  • Showers and kitchen facilities closed
  • Studio will open just 15 minutes before class

We can’t wait to see you all back in the studio. Until then we’ll continue to livestream three classes per week. If you haven’t already, please join us for a session. Drop in rate is just $12. If you’re keen to re-establish your practice before we open, sign up to our $25 a week livestream membership which includes access to 3 live classes per week, plus an exclusive members-only Facebook group with the ability to catch up on classes at a time that suits, and a bonus, high-quality pre-recorded class every Sunday.


In-studio bookings will open on Thursday June 18 and we’ll be in touch with a reminder before that date. Below is an extensive list of FAQs regarding our reopening and your membership/class pass status.


What happens with my membership?
All memberships will be reinstated automatically on June 22. An email will be sent shortly to all members with further details. If you do not wish to return to the studio the week starting Monday June 22, please contact us via email now or upon receipt of the members-only email and we will continue your suspension. You MUST contact us though or your membership/pass will be reinstated.

I’m currently a Yoga Spot Fairfield Livestream member, what happens to my membership?
If you’ve stuck with us throughout this livestreaming period you will be contacted directly. Our hearts are full of gratitude for your continued support.

I had a 5/10 class pass OR a 1 month/3 months/12 month unlimited pass. Will it be extended?
Yes. All passes mentioned above will be extended by 3 months, to reflect time the studio has been physically closed. If you’d like to be reminded of the original or revised expiry date on your pass, send us an email here or ask your teacher when signing into class.

I bought a 14/28-day intro offer before you closed and haven’t used it. Can I activate it now?
Yes. If your pass wasn’t activated it will still be sitting on your account. You can use your intro offer to book classes in-studio or livestream. However, whilst our class numbers are restricted, you can only book three in-studio sessions a week for reasons outlined below (see I’m a Yoga Spot Fairfield member. Why can I only book three in-studio classes per week?).

I was mid-way through an intro offer or one-month trial when you closed. What happens to my pass?
Of course we’ll honour the time you had remaining on your pass, whether it was days or weeks. But the three in-studio class rule will be imposed. If you’re not yet ready to return or would prefer to wait and use your pass when we’re back to a full timetable, just send us an email and we can organise. 

I bought a livestream 10-pass but haven’t used them all. I’d like to return to in-studio classes. What happens now?
As below, we’ll continue to offer a few livestream classes a week on the timetable. You can use your pass for these, or drop us an email and we’ll credit any unused livestream classes towards in-studio classes, on a 2:1 basis.

I love livestream classes, will they continue?
Yes. Once we reopen our focus will shift to mostly in-studio classes but we’ll keep two livestream Yin classes a week. Always check the timetable on our website or in MindBody to see if a class is in the studio or livestreamed.
We’re also working on a platform to house our collection of recorded classes, and in time these will be available as part of your full Yoga Spot Fairfield membership, as a separate online membership (think $29 a month), and possibly, as an on-demand single fee class.

Why do I now have to book to attend classes?
Government-imposed limits of 10 people per class means we can’t accommodate everyone. Booking through MindBody will secure your spot. If you can’t attend you MUST cancel yourself out and allow someone else to use the spot. Failure to do so will result in lost classes and financial penalty. More details to come on this. 

I’m a Yoga Spot Fairfield member. Why can I only book three in-studio classes per week?
Restricted class sizes mean not everyone can attend a class every day. By limiting the number of classes you can book/attend, we’re ensuring everyone in our community has the chance to practice in-studio with us. This is a temporary measure only and will be reviewed as soon as limitations on class sizes are lifted. 

Can I bring my own props?
Absolutely. But you MUST clean them before and after class (we will provide antibacterial wipes). If you have your own bolster please still bring a full length towel to use with it.

What extra measures are you taking to keep the studio clean and safe?
We’ve always had incredibly high cleaning standards. The onset of COVID-19 was an opportunity to raise this bar even higher. And now, as we return, we take it up another notch. 
All surfaces and high traffic areas will be wiped with antibacterial disinfectant before and after class, the studio will be deep-cleaned multiple times a week and we will continue to provide hand sanitizers and hand wash at entry and exit points, in toilets, etc.
We are also restricting access to things like props, shared towels, the kitchen and showers to ensure minimal transference. 
As has become the norm, if you are feeling unwell or showing any signs of COVID-19, please stay at home and isolate, and we will do the same. Teachers will have full permission to turn anyone away from the studio who they think shouldn’t be there.

Why can’t I stick around and talk with my yogi friends or the teacher after class?
Unfortunately our reception area isn’t very big so to keep in line with social distancing rules we need to limit the amount of people in the space at once. We love our community and can’t wait to sit down and have a cuppa and a chat on the couch. But for now, we’ll have to make use of our wonderful local cafes and restaurants to catch up in, and we thank you in advance for your co-operation.

How do waitlists work?
If a class is fully booked, there are three spots available on the waitlist. We suggest always putting your name on the waitlist, in the likely event someone will cancel. You will receive an email notification if a place becomes available, and your attendance will be assumed.

What are the penalties for late cancellations and no-shows?
You are able to cancel or change your booking up to three hours before class via your MindBody account. Late cancellations beyond that point will be charged at $10 per class, and no-shows $20 per class (members and those on unlimited passes). Yogis on a casual, 5 or 10-class pass will forfeit that class. Cancellations via phone or email will NOT be accepted.

We are so excited for the first of our monthly Sound Meditation sessions, with the amazing Nicole from Sound Consciousness. Sessions will be held on the last Friday of every month, so this upcoming one is Friday April 26, 7.45-8.45pm. Book your spot for $22 online here (or via the MindBody app), or $25 on the night. The early bird gets the worm 😉

If you didn’t catch Nicole’s Sound Meditation on our launch weekend, or haven’t shared in this practice before, here’s some info on its amazing benefits and what to expect.

“In these sessions, we use sound as a means to venture deeper within the self, to practice deep listening, and to let go of the monkey mind. Join us to journey deep within, to begin cultivating self-awareness, and creating greater space between your internal and external worlds,” says Nicole.

She continues, “In this quiet space begins an unravelling and letting go, as you sink deeper and deeper into transcendental realms, and find pockets of deep quiet and peace within, and create a stronger connection to your true self. It’s a remarkably restful sound meditation journey, that will have you feeling deeply rested, rejuvenated and with greater mental clarity.”

It’s an event you don’t want to miss, yogis. Wear something warm and comfortable, feel free to bring a pillow or something soft to place under your head. You will be lying down for the entire session so it’s friendly to all ages, all levels, all backgrounds. Bring your family, bring your friends. Spread the word. Any questions, drop us an email or ask at the studio.